Latest News

June 11, 2024

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony Recognising 25 talented young leaders to implement InnoTech ideas and contribute to society   Hong Kong’s flourishing innovation and technology (InnoTech) industry, backed by its world-class InnoTech infrastructure and acknowledged global accomplishments, is replete with vast opportunities. It is well-positioned to establish itself as an “International Innovation and Technology Centre”. To echo the Government’s strategy in InnoTech development and nurture more future leaders, Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC, and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) have jointly launched the “Innovation and Technology Scholarship” since 2011.   Hong Kong strives to […]
November 17, 2023

InnoTech Scholarship 2024 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong – Application Form The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Application Form Hong Kong Baptist University – Application Form The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Application Form Hong Kong Metropolitan University – Application Form The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Application Form Hong Kong Shue Yan University – […]
June 14, 2023

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2023

In this ever-changing digital era with the tremendous Innovation and Technology (InnoTech) advancements, the Government’s Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint and various measures were launched to create a favourable environment conducive to the InnoTech development of local talents. Jointly organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Innovation and Technology Scholarship (the Scholarship) encourages and nurtures outstanding students to contribute to the InnoTech industry. The Scholarship’s diversified elite training programmes are also designed to unleash the potential of the awardees within the vibrant InnoTech ecosystem, enabling Hong Kong […]
November 14, 2022

InnoTech Scholarship 2023 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) Hong Kong Baptist University – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) Lingnan University – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) The Education University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List […]
June 9, 2022

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2022

Innovation and innovative ideas drive society’s growth. When coupled with the ever advances of technology, the future can be unimaginable. To enhance Hong Kong’s potential in the InnoTech sector, the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) have been jointly organising the Innovation and Technology Scholarship (the Scholarship) since 2011, which nurtures and encourages outstanding undergraduates in Hong Kong. At the Award Presentation Ceremony held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre today (June 6), the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mrs Carrie LAM, GBM, GBS, […]
December 9, 2021

Scholarship Awardees Latest Newspaper Coverage

The Standard – 7 Dec 2021 Ming Pao – 8 Dec 2021
November 3, 2021

InnoTech Scholarship 2022 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2022 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong (List of eligible programmes) Hong Kong Baptist University (List of eligible programmes) Lingnan University (List of eligible programmes) The Chinese University of Hong Kong (List of eligible programmes) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (List of eligible programmes) The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (List of eligible programmes) The […]
September 14, 2021

InnoTech Scholarship Awardees Latest Newspaper Coverage

Ming Pao – 9 Aug 2021   Sing Tao – 10 Aug 2021  
June 23, 2021

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2020 and 2021

The Innovation and Technology Scholarship, jointly supported and sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission and HSBC, and organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), selects 25 local undergraduates with enthusiasm in innovation and technology (I&T) every year. Each of them is awarded a scholarship of up to $150,000 with a full slate of support for acquiring cross-cultural experience. The aim is to help them explore their I&T potentials for pursuing a career in the field and contributing to Hong Kong’s I&T development, reinforcing the city’s status as an international I&T hub. At the award presentation ceremony […]
November 2, 2020

InnoTech Scholarship 2021 – Open for Applications!

  Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The University of Hong Kong   Shortlisted nominees will be invited to attend an interview by the Awardee Selection Committee. Details will be sent to the […]
November 2, 2020

InnoTech Scholarship Awardees Latest Media Coverage

Headline Daily – 20 Oct 2020 Sing Tao – 28 Oct 2020 Ming Pao – 22 Oct 2020 South China Morning Post – 30 Oct 2020
September 14, 2020

Announcement of Awardees 2020

The Scholarship is jointly sponsored and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and HSBC, and organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG).    25 exceptional undergraduates from diverse backgrounds, such as medicine, physiotherapy, mechanical engineering, public health, speech and hearing sciences and other science-related areas of study, were selected from a pool of 163 candidates. All these outstanding awardees have gone through a highly competitive selection process and demonstrated excellence in their academic studies and possess a passion in I&T.    The 25 awardees, from The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong […]
November 8, 2019

InnoTech Scholarship 2020 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2020 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline. Shortlisted nominees will be invited to attend an interview by the Awardee Selection Committee. Details will be sent to the nominees through respective universities. Please contact the Scholarship Secretariat if you have any questions.
April 1, 2019

Award Presentation Ceremony 2019

The Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony for 2019 was held today at the Central Government Offices. The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie LAM, presented certificates to 25 outstanding innovation and technology undergraduates of local universities. This prestigious Scholarship is jointly supported and sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission, and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC), organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG). Other guests attending the ceremony were the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W YANG; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr CHEUK Wing-hing; the Commissioner for Innovation and […]
March 9, 2019

Upcoming Event – Award Presentation Ceremony 2019

The Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2019 will be held in the afternoon of April 1, 2019 at 4 pm in the Conference Hall, 2/F of the Central Government Offices, to recognize the outstanding achievement of the awardees in the field of Innovation and Technology.      Within the coming year, they will be supported by maximum HK$150,000  to attach in the world’s top institutes in overseas or Mainland China, and with a chance to experience living in an academic environment outside Hong Kong.  Each awardee will be matched with a well-known scholar as a mentee receiving […]
January 11, 2019

Awardees Strive for Excellence for the Innotech Journey

Jacqueline Fung, a 2018 scholarship winner, recently completed her overseas attachment at research hospital associated with the University of Montreal in Canada. Fung is currently taking a gap year from her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician – Leadership Programme) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Last December, She has attended a conference at Vietnam for The 4th Pan Asian Biomedical Science Conference hosted by The University of DaNang.   In Montreal, Jacqueline worked in cancer research using cold plasma. She worked together with biomedical engineers, which was a new experience for her.   The […]
April 24, 2018

Award Presentation Ceremony 2018

The Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2018 has been held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 23 April 2018. 25 outstanding local undergraduates have received their certificates.   Within the coming year, they will be supported to attach in the world’s top institutes in overseas or Mainland China, and with a chance to experience living in an academic environment outside Hong Kong.  Each awardee will be matched with a well-known scholar as a mentee receiving precious guidance in their learning process. In addition, the Scheme will also provide awardees with the opportunities to […]
November 30, 2017

Service@InnoTech Month 2017

16 awardees of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme supported the annual “InnoTech Month 2017” which was held successfully in Oct to Nov this year by sharing their knowledge in science and technology to the public! These young talents held 32 self-designed science workshops for children in the InnoCarnival at Hong Kong Science Park and Roadshows at Olympian City and Kai Tin Shopping Centre. The themes of the workshops are diversified, including construction science, medical technology, somatic science, microbiology and chemistry, etc. With the lively and funny experiments designed and taught by our awardees, the children were benefited by these […]
August 21, 2017

Chit-chat InnoTech with Dr Michael Sham on Palliative Medicine

The Alumni Association of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme has been grateful for the sharing of Dr Michael Sham Mau-kwong, who is one of the local pioneers in Palliative Medicine practice, at a tea gathering with 19 awardees on 19 August 2017 at HKFYG Fat Choy restaurant.   In the gathering, Dr Sham shared the challenges that he faced throughout his career and the key to the success of establishing the Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine. He also reminded the new forces in medicine industry to treat patients with love, care and respect. Besides, the youths also shared […]
May 19, 2017

Awardees share the fun of science with children and parents on Mother’s Day

  Aiming to increase public’s interest in innovation and technology, on last Mother’s Day (14 May), 8 awardees of the Scheme 2016 and Scheme 2017 went to the “Science in the Mall” carnival, which is organised by HKFYG Centre for Creative Science and Technology, at Plaza Hollywood with their self-created fun activities. They held 6 sessions of science workshops for children and their parents. Throughout the workshops in the themes of animal joints and electric circuit, the awardees who are major in physiotherapy and engineering respectively taught the children science knowledge by doing interesting hands-on. The participants felt excellent with […]
April 25, 2017

Award Presentation Ceremony 2017

The Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2017 has been held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 25 April 2017. 25 outstanding local undergraduates have received their certificates.   Other than a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 support to each awardee for Overseas/Mainland Attachment Programme, they will also participate in the Mentorship Programme, Service Projects and Optional Local Internship, in the coming months.     It is honour to have the unfailing support by renowned personalities and various organisations, awardees would widen their vision and enhance experience in their industry by the initiatives […]
February 15, 2017

Service Project Programme outside the Classroom

12 awardees from the IT Scholarship Alumni Association served as judges, referees and game booth hosts at the 2017 Hong Kong FLL Robotics Tournament, a territory-wide Competition for local primary and secondary school students, on 11 February (Saturday) at the Hong Kong Design Institute and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee). Awardees are encouraged to give back to the community with the knowledge they possess by carrying out service projects such as giving Science & Technology-related workshops to the younger ones at schools and community centres. Interested schools and centres may contact the Secretariat for further discussion.
September 5, 2016

Service Project Programme at Precious Blood Children’s Village

On 4 September 2016, two awardees of InnoTech Scholarship 2016, Ti Chun Hang Eden and Choy Lok Yee Lois, visited the Previous Blood Children’s Village to organise two InnoTech workshops, namely “Ice-cream Fun Day” and “Secret of Blood” for a group of girls of the village. The workshops guided the girls to explore science through different interesting experiments. All awardees of our Scholarship Scheme will serve the community with their knowledge. If any school or organisation is interested in this Service Project Programme, please contact the Scheme Secretariat for a discussion.
August 19, 2016

Service Project Programme – “The Little Computer Engineer Workshop”

Before the end of 2016 summer holiday, another 2 awardees of InnoTech Scholarship 2016, Chiu Mang Tik Dicky and Kong Whole Dux Samuel, visited the Jockey Club Tin Yiu Youth S.P.O.T. to organise InnoTech workshop for a group of primary school students, with the assistance of another awardee of the same year, Karim Kamaruddin. This time, the 3 awardees taught the students to create a programme of electronic game through the Arduino microcontroller. All awardees of our Scholarship Scheme will serve the community with their knowledge. If any primary school or secondary school is interested in this Service Project Programme, […]
July 30, 2016

Service Project Programme – “What is Enzyme?”

After the works on programme development and preparation, Hong Jialin (Jay), an awardee of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2016, is the first one this year to provide service to the society. Jay has visited the Jockey Club Tin Yiu Youth S.P.O.T. on 29 July to organise a workshop about “Enzyme” for a group of primary school students. Through the exciting experiments, the students first learn the characteristics of this catalyst. All awardees of our Scholarship Scheme will serve the community with their knowledge. If any primary school or secondary school is interested in this Service Project Programme, please […]
April 21, 2016

Award Presentation Ceremony 2016

The Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2016 has been held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 21 April 2016. 25 distinguished science undergraduates have received their certificates. Other than a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 supporting each awardee to attend Overseas/Mainland Attachment Programme, they will also participate in the Mentorship Programme, Service Projects and Optional Local Internship, in the coming months. It is honour to have the unfailing support by renowned personalities and various organisations, awardees would widen their vision and enhance experience in their industry by the initiatives rather than having […]
November 30, 2015

Serve community with knowledge

Aiming to increase public’s interest in innovation and technology, 17 awardees of the Scheme 2015 have organised 30 science workshops at the “InnoTech Month 2015” in October and November. Over 400 children joined the workshops and enhanced their curiosity in science and technology through the amusing experiments. The workshops designed by awardees with their specialised knowledge were organised at the “InnoTech Month – Roadshow” in City Plaza and Shatin’s Wo Che Plaza, and the “InnoCarnival” in Hong Kong Science Park. They cover a wide range of themes relating to Innovation and Technology, for example creating gypsum model of fingers with […]
April 24, 2015

Award Presentation Ceremony 2015

Thanks for our honourable guests to participate in the Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2015 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 24 April 2015. 25 distinguished science undergraduates from 6 local universities have received their certificates. Other than a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 supporting each awardee to attend Overseas/Mainland Attachment Programme, they will also participate in the Mentorship Programme, Service Projects and Optional Local Internship, in the coming months. It is honour to have the unfailing support by renowned personalities and various organisations, awardees would widen their vision and enhance […]
November 10, 2014

Service@InnoTech Month

17 awardees of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme supported the annual “InnoTech Month” which was launched in mid-Oct this year by sharing their knowledge in science and technology! These young talents held around 30 self-designed science workshops for children in the Roadshow and InnoCarnival at Olympian City and Hong Kong Science Park respectively. The children learnt diversified science knowledge, including air and aviation, acidity, friction, electromagnetism, density and food science, etc. which are all around our daily life. With the lively and funny experiments designed and taught by our awardees, the children were benefited by these joyful lessons which […]
September 4, 2014

Summer Holiday with Full of Science

The new school year has just started. Would these students enjoy their science class more? In the summer holiday just passed, 3 awardees of the Scheme 2014, Chu Man Yat (Jack), Tang Ho Yuen (Eric) and Lam Lam, have held several self-designed workshops in HKFYG Youth S.P.O.Ts. The primary school students tried some science challenges and learned the way to do science observation. Some of them have even tried to build “bridges” like a Civil Engineer does. The awardees of the Scholarship Scheme will continue to serve our community, in order to nurture the interest of science in the younger […]
July 9, 2014

Kickoff! 2014 Service Project Programme

After her works on programme development and preparation, Wong Ka Lai (Vox), an awardee of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2014, is the first one this year to provide service to the society. Vox has visited Tsing Yi Trade Association Primary School on 9 July to organise a workshop about “Friction” for a group of P.3 to P.5 students. Through the interesting experiments, the students got new ideas of this indispensable Physics phenomenon. Together with the assistance of Yeung Kai Chung (Alan), another awardee of the Scheme, these 2 young talents has provided the class a joyful science lesson. […]
April 16, 2014

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2014 – Award Presentation Ceremony

Thanks for the guests to participate in the Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2014 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 16 April 2014. 25 distinguished science undergraduates from local universities have received their certificates. Including the awardees in the past 3 years, 100 students have been benefited by the Scholarship Scheme cumulatively.   Other than a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 for awardees to attend Overseas/Mainland Attachment Programme, they will also participate in Local Internship, Mentorship and Service Projects in the coming months.   It is honour to have the unfailing […]
October 20, 2013

2013 Service Project – InnoCarnival @ Science Park

9 days InnoCarnival had been successfully launched in Science Park. Some of our awardees had offered 20 workshops in 4 days among the InnoCarnival. Their specially designed science workshops had attracted over 350 primary and secondary students, parents and children to join. The workshops allowed them to enjoy the fun of science through participating interesting science experiments.     
October 19, 2013

2013 Service Project – InnoTech Month Roadshow @ CityPlaza

5 awardees had organised 6 science workshops on 19 October at CityPlaza for the InnoTech Month 2013 Raodshow to promote InnoTech among the public. They had integrated science into daily lives, designed interactive games and little experiments so as to arouse interest among the children. They had also successfully passed on the knowledge from one generation to another. 14 more awardees will organise 20 science workshops in the InnoCarnival 2013 held in Hong Kong Science Park on 2-3 & 9-10 November. Come and support us!
September 28, 2013

Gathering of awardees in medical study with Dr Bill Chan

Thanks for the support to our youth from all over the society, the group of medicine awardees of the scholarship had an opportunity again to learn from experts on 28 September 2013. In the afternoon, Dr Bill Chan, Chief of Service, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Hospital Service Director (IT&T), and Miss Janet Wong, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, have joined a special gathering with 10 young doctors or medicine undergraduates to share their experience and insight about the field. The gathering nurtured these new forces in medicine industry a lot.  
May 6, 2013

Alumni Gathering with Distinguished Personalities

To achieve success in innovation and technology industry, students do not only need to work hard in their own profession, but they also need to gain their knowledge in other fields, and learn from other successful people. The Scheme Secretariat organised a gathering for the awardees and alumni on 4 May 2013. In the gathering, three special guests from different professions were invited to give the students seminars. Moreover, mentors and committee members of the Scheme have also attended and mingled with the youths. Seminars by Special Guests Mr Denis Tse (Head of Private Investments – Asia & Venture Capital, […]
April 18, 2013

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2013 – Award Presentation Ceremony

Coming to its third year, 25 distinguished undergraduates from local universities have been awarded at the Award Presentation Ceremony of Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2013 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 17 April 2013. They will each receive a scholarship of up to HK$150,000 to participate in a series of initiatives including Overseas Attachment, Local Internship, Mentorship and Service Projects. With the unfailing support by renowned personalities and various organizations, awardees are given a top class opportunity to equip themselves to take the challenges in the field of innovation and technology.  It is hoped […]
November 12, 2012

Service Project at the InnoCarnival 2012

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme does not only provide opportunities to the awardees to develop, but it also encourages youths to contribute to the community with their knowledge.  Ten awardees of the Scheme 2012 have participated in the “InnoCarnival 2012” held at the Hong Kong Science Park in early November to promote InnoTech among the younger generations. They designed and organised 15 sessions of workshop in different topics about science for primary and secondary school students. All the participants enjoyed the workshop very much.      
May 28, 2012

Pre-Trip Training Programme

A one-day Pre-Trip Training Programme has been held last Saturday (26 May 2012) for the new awardees while they are currently preparing themselves to go overseas for their attachment programme. The Scheme Secretariat has invited several experts in different fields to give seminars to the youths, in order to encourage them to be ambassadors of Hong Kong to promote our city when they are in overseas as well as to do cultural and academic knowledge exchange. In the day, Mr Cao Guo-ying, Deputy Director – General of Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in […]
April 20, 2012

Announcement of Awardees 2012

25 distinguished undergraduates from local universities have been selected as awardees of the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme2012 during the Award Presentation Ceremony held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 19 April 2012. A 50% increasedscholarship of $150,000 will be presented to each of theawardees, enablingthem to participate in a series of programmes, including Overseas Attachment, Local Internship, Mentorship and Service Projects. Dr Rosanna Wong, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Miss Anita Fung, Chief Executive Officer Hong Kong, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,Ms Elizabeth Tse Man-yee, Permanent Secretary for Commerce […]
April 29, 2011

Announcement of Awardees 2011

The final awardees of the pioneering Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme have well been selected. These Twenty-Five outstanding undergraduates from local universities will each be awarded a scholarship of HKD100,000 to participate in a comprehensive series of programmes. Through these programmes, awardees will be able to widen their international exposure and gain industry experience.  The awardees have been invited to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony on 28 April 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, and received the glory from all supporting personalities of the Scheme including the members of Awardee Selection Committee, Award Scheme Administration Committee, the mentors, […]