
June 11, 2024

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony Recognising 25 talented young leaders to implement InnoTech ideas and contribute to society   Hong Kong’s flourishing innovation and technology (InnoTech) industry, backed by its world-class InnoTech infrastructure and acknowledged global accomplishments, is replete with vast opportunities. It is well-positioned to establish itself as an “International Innovation and Technology Centre”. To echo the Government’s strategy in InnoTech development and nurture more future leaders, Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC, and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) have jointly launched the “Innovation and Technology Scholarship” since 2011.   Hong Kong strives to […]
January 8, 2024

Scholarship 2022 Report

25 awardees of Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2022 have completed all the elite training programmes offered by the Scholarship, including Overseas/ Mainland Attachment Programme, Mentorship Programme, Local Internship Programme and Service Project Programme. With the broadened industrial and international perspectives, they are determined to devote into innovation and technology industry as their lifelong career. The Report recording their sharing is published. InnoTech Scholarship Awardee Report 2022 by InnoTech Scholarship on Scribd
January 8, 2024

Scholarship 2021 Report

25 awardees of Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021 have completed all the elite training programmes offered by the Scholarship, including Overseas/ Mainland Attachment Programme, Mentorship Programme, Local Internship Programme and Service Project Programme. With the broadened industrial and international perspectives, they are determined to devote into innovation and technology industry as their lifelong career. The Report recording their sharing is published. InnoTech Scholarship Award… by InnoTech Scholarship
November 17, 2023

InnoTech Scholarship 2024 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong – Application Form The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Application Form Hong Kong Baptist University – Application Form The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Application Form Hong Kong Metropolitan University – Application Form The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Application Form Hong Kong Shue Yan University – […]
June 14, 2023

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2023

In this ever-changing digital era with the tremendous Innovation and Technology (InnoTech) advancements, the Government’s Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint and various measures were launched to create a favourable environment conducive to the InnoTech development of local talents. Jointly organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Innovation and Technology Scholarship (the Scholarship) encourages and nurtures outstanding students to contribute to the InnoTech industry. The Scholarship’s diversified elite training programmes are also designed to unleash the potential of the awardees within the vibrant InnoTech ecosystem, enabling Hong Kong […]
November 21, 2022

Scholarship 2020 Report

25 awardees of Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2020 have completed all the elite training programmes offered by the Scholarship, including Overseas/ Mainland Attachment Programme, Mentorship Programme, Local Internship Programme and Service Project Programme. With the broadened industrial and international perspectives, they are determined to devote into innovation and technology industry as their lifelong career. The Report recording their sharing is published. HKFYG ITSAS Report 2020 Web… by InnoTech Scholarship
November 14, 2022

InnoTech Scholarship 2023 – Open for Applications!

Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023 is now open for applications! The eligible undergraduates who are interested in the Scholarship should fill in the online Application Form from the respective link below. Please contact your university’s student affairs office (or equivalent) for the submission deadline.   Application Form: City University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) Hong Kong Baptist University – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) Lingnan University – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) The Education University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List of eligible programmes) The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Application Form (List […]
June 9, 2022

Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony 2022

Innovation and innovative ideas drive society’s growth. When coupled with the ever advances of technology, the future can be unimaginable. To enhance Hong Kong’s potential in the InnoTech sector, the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), HSBC and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) have been jointly organising the Innovation and Technology Scholarship (the Scholarship) since 2011, which nurtures and encourages outstanding undergraduates in Hong Kong. At the Award Presentation Ceremony held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre today (June 6), the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mrs Carrie LAM, GBM, GBS, […]
December 9, 2021

Scholarship Awardees Latest Newspaper Coverage

The Standard – 7 Dec 2021 Ming Pao – 8 Dec 2021