- The Hon Bernard CHAN, GBM, GBS, JP (Convenor of the Non-official Members, Executive Council, HKSAR)
- Mr David GRIMME (Group General Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Asia Pacific, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited)
- Dr George LAM, BBS (Senior Advisor, Macquarie Group Asia)
- Ir LAU Chun-kit, Ricky, JP (Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), HKSAR Government)
- Mr LEE Chung Sin, Esmond, JP (Deputy Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government)
- Dr Brian LI (Vice Chairman & Executive Vice President, Gold Peak Technology Group Limited)
- Ms PUN Ting Ting, Rebecca, JP (Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government)
- Professor Timothy TONG, BBS, JP (Council Member, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups)
- Professor Rosie YOUNG, GBM, GBS, JP (Emeritus Professor in Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)