- Professor Francis CHAN, JP (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Professor Juliana CN CHAN (Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Dr Helen CHAN (Chief Executive Officer, Vita Green Health Products Co., Ltd.)
- Professor CHEAH Kok-wai (Dr Elizabeth Law Endowed Chair of Advanced Materials, Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Professor Daniel M CHENG, BBS, MH, JP (Managing Director, Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Ltd.)
- Mr Raymond CHENG (Group General Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Asia Pacific, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited)
- Professor CHIU Wai-yan, Philip (Assistant Dean (Institutional Affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Division of Upper GI Surgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Professor Rossa WK CHIU (Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Dr Roy CHUNG, GBS, JP (Co-founder and Non-Executive Director, Techtronic Industries Company Limited)
- Professor Nancy IP, BBS, MH, JP (Vice-President for Research & Graduate Studies, The Morningside Professor of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Mr Fred LAM, JP (Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong)
- Ir LAM Sai-hung, JP (Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), HKSAR Government)
- Professor Gabriel LEUNG, GBS, JP (Dean of LKS Faculty of Medicine, Helen and Francis Zimmern Professor in Population Health, Chair of Public Health Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)
- Professor LEUNG Suet-yi (Associate Dean (Research), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong)
- Professor Dennis LO Yuk-ming, SBS, JP (Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Professor Irene NG Oi-lin (Chair Professor of Pathology and Head of Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong)
- Professor Paul TAM, JP (Li Shu-Pui Professor in Surgery and Chair of Paediatric Surgery, The University of Hong Kong)
- Dr Samson TAM, JP (Non-Executive Director, Group Sense (International) Ltd)
- Professor TSUI Lap-chee, GBM, GBS, JP (President and Founding Member, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong)
- Miss Janet WONG, SBS, JP (Former Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government)
- Professor WONG Kwok-yin (Associate Vice President (Research Support), Patrick S.C. Poon Endowed Professor in Applied Chemistry and Chair Professor of Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Mr WONG Ming Yam, BBS, JP (Chairman, The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)
- Professor Vivian YAM, BBS (Chair Professor, Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy The University of Hong Kong)
- Dr Edwin YU Chau-leung (Former President, Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine Limited)
- Professor YUEN Kwok-yung, GBS, JP (Henry Fok Professor in Infectious Diseases, Chair of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong)